This idea, with all the accompanying transformations of landscape, culture, and religious belief it implied, had deep roots in American culture. Which Western nation had the most influence over Muslim countries in northern Africa during the age of. It was "a phrase coined in 1845, expressed the philosophy that drove 19th-century U.S. territorial expansion. Which of the following is an important principle of the U.S. Constitution? Those dissenters saw rapid expansion as contrary to the principles of a true republic and predicted that the cost of empire would be high and its consequences perilous. Which of these documents was the first to lay out specific rights and provide a limit on the monarch's. How did Louis XIV strengthen his monarchy? In order to revitalize the economy, he built up the German military. European countries used cultural differences to increase local rivalries for their own purposes. He used autocratic power to introduce rapid change. How were Manifest Destiny and nationalism related? I have heard it asserted by some, that as America hath flourished under her former connection with Great Britain that the same connection is necessary Manifest Destiny was stimulated by nationalism and an idealistic vision of human perfectibility. Citizens must have things in common and must also agree to forget many other things. the right of our manifest destiny to overspread and to possess the whole of the continent which Providence has given us for the development of the great experiment of liberty and federated self-government entrusted to us. What is one way that the Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen was similar to the Declaration, It affirmed that the function of government was to protect individual rights. A few women were elected to public office, such as parliament and state governorships. He felt they drew people's allegiance away from the German state. Impact of Manifest Destiny: The Civil War, Native American Wars Sources Manifest Destiny, a phrase coined in 1845, is the idea that the United States is destinedby God, its advocates. While every effort has been made to follow citation style rules, there may be some discrepancies. What advantage did Western countries have that helped them colonize other parts of the world? People have the right to overthrow a government that violates their rights. Which statement correctly describes the global impact of the American Revolution? It was for them proof that God had chosen the United States to grow and flourish. Nothing can be more fallacious than this kind of argument. Once he has pared all that away, Renan leaves us with little but the first part of his essence of a nation, that its citizens have many things in common, meaning, to my mind, the kind of nondivisive secular ideals found in the United States Constitution such as universal suffrage, due process of law and a guarantee that the government will pass no legislation respecting an establishment of religion.. Identify one major reason for the United States' annexing of Hawaii. Which European country was the first to move away from absolute monarchy? When they got into details, however, it was hard to separate that ground from race and religion. The Which goal was most likely to be supported by both poor peasants and city merchants in the early years. W estward E xpansion and M anifest D . How was Russian nationalism affected by expansion? Why did some writers in the 1800s glorify the past? Expansion took over land occupied by non-Russian groups, increasing tensions. sense of nationalism, and a belief in the natural superiority of what was then called the "Anglo-Saxon race" (ie, white people). Which of the following did Jean-Jacques Rousseau believe should be the role of government in society? Michael Golay, The Tide of Empire: Americas March to the Pacific Era of U.S. Continental Expansion, History, Art & Archives: U.S House of Representatives. It made it difficult to establish unity and a central government. Most nations' people resented the imposition of French culture. The organizers of that meeting set out to reconsolidate the rich tradition of national conservative thought, at the same time insisting that their project stood in stark opposition to political theories grounded in race, an opposition articulated in part by appealing to a supposedly more benign political theory grounded in culture.. Peasants in Mexico did not benefit from Mexico's economic growth. It encouraged Japanese expansion and the invasion of Chinese territories. Many Americans felt it was the will of God to expand the country. How did the king of Siam react to European imperialism? Which of the following caused the Sepoy Rebellion? Russia and Britain sent troops to protect their interests there. Rivalry over overseas territories increased tensions in Europe. Germans come from a superior race and need to destroy their enemies. Which of the following statements best explains the conditions that led to the Reign of Terror? read more, The cowboy played an important role during the era of U.S. westward expansion. The cause of that ceaseless wanderlust varied from region to region, but the behaviour became a tradition within one generation. Both fueled much of the reform energy of the time. Which of the following was a significant result of the Glorious Revolution? Which is an accurate summary of the goals of the women's rights movement? Yet in a story as old as ancient Romes transformation from republic to empire, not all Americans, like the doubters of Rome, found it encouraging. Some found the opinion intriguing, but others were simply irritated. Despite opposition to this agreement in Congress, the pro-annexation candidate James K. Polk won the 1844 election, and Tyler was able to push the bill through and sign it before he left office. Why were political reforms ineffective under Lenin's government? a future event accepted as inevitable; broadly : an ostensibly benevolent or necessary policy of imperialistic expansion See the full definition Pursuit of the west came forth as a result of the Americans' belief in Manifest Destiny "the belief that the United States had a 'God-given' right to aggressively spread the values of white civilization and expand the nation from ocean to . equality before the law, rights in the workplace, and access to education. She embarked on a program of reform of government, law, and education. Which of the following was the main reason Africans resisted European colonization and rule in the late 1880s? Which of the following are examples of the global impact of the American Revolution and the U.S. -The American Revolution offered precedents for Latin American revolutionaries. In 1823, Monroe invoked Manifest Destiny when he spoke before Congress to warn European nations not to interfere with Americas Westward expansion, threatening that any attempt by Europeans to colonize the American continents would be seen as an act of war. Which of the following nations successfully resisted colonization during the Age of Imperialism? US President James K. Polk (1845-1849) is the leader most associated with Manifest Destiny. What is one example of Cavour's helping the cause of Italian unification? Encyclopaedia Britannica's editors oversee subject areas in which they have extensive knowledge, whether from years of experience gained by working on that content or via study for an advanced degree. The president is elected, and the Congress is elected. Summarize the goals of the women's rights movement? Updates? Which of the following directly caused France, Germany, and Russia to get involved in World War I? Based on this quotation, which conclusion can you draw about the author? Henry Adams once called politics the systematic organization of hatreds, certainly the case in the former Yugoslavia. Here are some tips. What was the impact of global depression on Japan? Its struggles with Charles I led to the English Civil War. Trench warfare did not develop on the Eastern Front. The idea of Manifest Destiny influenced the America's westward migration because it made that migration more likely. In the 1840s, Americans had a belief that God destined for them to expand their territory all the way westward to the Pacific Ocean. Ethnic differences, for one thing: No French citizen knows whether he is a Burgund, an Alain, a Taifala, or a Visigoth, Renan said. Italian unification formed which type of government? Which ethnicities were under the control of the Hapsburg empire in the 1800s? Why did conflict in Italy continue even after unification? Every French citizen has forgotten, Renan claims, that in the 13th century the popes armies nearly wiped out the Cathars, a rival Christian sect, and that on St. Bartholomews Day in the 16th century, Catholic mobs slaughtered thousands of Calvinist Protestants. Who was given a "blank check" by Germany to deal with Serbia? He gave rich middle class men jobs in the government and he enlarged the bureaucracy. What was the impact of the English Bill of Rights on the development of democracy in England? Which of the following was the reason behind the incident described in this passage? Although it became a rallying cry as well as a rationale for the foreign policy that reached its culmination in 184546, the attitude behind Manifest Destiny had long been a part of the American experience. The Reds appealed to nationalism and urged Russians to drive out the foreigners. Besides financial reform, what else drove the Third Estate to declare itself a National Assembly? Why was the Bastille an important symbol to the French? Manifest Destiny, a phrase coined in 1845, is the idea that the United States is destinedby God, its advocates believedto expand its dominion and spread democracy and . is the leader of the party that won the most seats in parliament. Boundaries in Africa were drawn without regard to areas of ethnic groups. Because of his strong will and beliefs of, Compare and contrast the response of the French people to the rule of Louis XVIII and the rule of Charles. Which of these statements is most likely to be made by a proponent of natural law and natural rights? Europeans needed to find more natural resources to increase their industrial production. Nonetheless, there were still more Anglo settlers in Texas than Hispanic ones, and in 1836, after Texas won its own independence, its new leaders sought to join the United States. 2 Pages. Which type of government did the Constitution of 1791 establish? The western horizon would always beckon, and Americans would always follow. For Serbs, it had become a so-called chosen trauma, an ancestral calamity whose memory mixes actual history with present-day grievance and hope. Manifest Destiny Definition Essay. They sensed weakness in the League and actively pursued aggressive foreign policies. Which major European country became unified in the late 1800s? What kind of factors most directly influenced the United States to take control of the Hawaiian islands? Impact of Manifest Destiny: The Civil War, Native American Wars, The Rise of American Democracy: Jefferson to Lincoln, The Tide of Empire: Americas March to the Pacific, History, Art & Archives: U.S House of Representatives. Tsar Alexander II declared that it is "better to abolish serfdom from above than to wait until it will be, If he did not abolish serfdom, then the serfs would rise up against the government. Sean Wilentz, The Rise of American Democracy: Jefferson to Lincoln (New York: Norton, 2005). Jewish students were forced out of public schools. Select the correct text in the passage How did Mao Zedong differ from earlier Chinese Communists? What type of government did Italy have under the rule of Benito Mussolini? How did holding plebiscites help Napoleon in his rise to power? What did the Burmese and Vietnamese independence movements have in common? A. Which of the following was most responsible for Napoleon's rise to power? Which country suffered a great defeat in the Crimean War? Which battle, waged along a famous river, was a classic example of a World War I stalemate? Belief in the idea of Manifest Destiny was one reason that . a series of military victories against Austria. Identify two major effects of new technology on business during the Industrial Revolution. During the Chinese Civil War, which side was led by Mao Zedong? a. generic But, people were still unhappy, as it really didn't do much. By contrast, the recent National Conservative Conference outlined a new American and British nationalism that featured balanced budgets, strong national borders and a return to Anglo-American national traditions: constitutionalism, the common law, the English language, and Christian scripture., There are so many varieties of nationalism that it may be time to pause and ask: What is a nation? Which causes did the American Revolution and the French Revolution share? by killing or exiling the provisional government officials. Why was the Prussian army a superior force? During the 1830 s and 1840 s, American nationalism and westward expansion had merged into the widespread belief in manifest destiny. Which of the following did Olympe de Gouges seek during the French Revolution? Facebook. What was the purpose of the suffrage movement in the mid to late 1800s? Which statement best describes how railroads changed industrial practices? Which of the following would Locke most favor? With which statement would Enlightenment thinker John Locke have agreed? By the time the Oregon question was settled, the United States had entered into all-out war with Mexico, driven by the spirit of Manifest Destiny and territorial expansion. Which type of imperial rule allowed Western governments to run colonies themselves? Millions died from famine when the British tried to transform Indian agriculture. Which of the following steps did Charles X take that led to a revolution in France? What is the correct preterite form of the verb in parenthesis that completes the sentence? What must citizens forget before a nation becomes a nation? Why was Southeast Asia a target of imperialism during European expansion? Which of the following statements best describes the lasting effect of the Amritsar massacre? Government safeguards the natural rights of individuals. The term "Manifest Destiny," which American writer John L. O'Sullivan coined in 1845, describes what most 19th-Century Americans believed was their God-given mission to expand westward, occupy a continental nation, and extend U.S. constitutional government to unenlightened peoples.While the term sounds like it is strictly historical, it also more subtly applies to the tendency of U.S. foreign . expand its influence and power around the world. How did new military technology influence the fighting in World War I? The Treaty of Versailles, which ended World War I, negatively impacted which country's economy the. 2023 A&E Television Networks, LLC. Underlying this divine American mission was a feeling of culturaleven racialsuperiority. Manifest Destiny, a phrase coined in 1845, is the idea that the United States is destinedby God, its advocates believedto expand its dominion and spread democracy and capitalism across the entire North American continent. 60 seconds. It proved that a colonial revolt could produce a nation with an elected leader and an elected. Which answer best describes how the concept of liberty influenced Eastern Europe in the late nineteenth. The new nationalism seems to be driven by a hunger for identity, for a solid sense of ones presence in the world, joined to a style of self-knowing that operates by opposition: Im British, not French; Im American, not Mexican; Im Christian, not Muslim; Im white, not black. Before the American Civil War the idea of Manifest Destiny was used to validate continental acquisitions in the Oregon Country, Texas, New Mexico, and California. What with the political monopoly, the Cheka and the Red Army, all that now existed of the "Commune State" of our dreams was a theoretical myth.